"Leveraging AI to Improve Health Information Access in the World's Largest Maternal Mobile Health Program", S. Verma, A. Lalan, P. R. Diaz, P. Danassis, A. Mahale, K. M. Sudan, A. Hegde, M. Tambe, A. Taneja, Ai Magazine, 2024 [ Paper ]
"Putting Ridesharing to the Test: Efficient and Scalable Solutions and the Power of Dynamic Vehicle Relocation", P. Danassis, M. Sakota, A. Filos-Ratsikas, B. Faltings, Artificial Intelligence Review, Springer, 2022 [ Paper | Arxiv ]
"Exploiting Environmental Signals to Enable Policy Correlation in Large-scale Decentralized Systems", P. Danassis, Z. D. Erden, B. Faltings, Journal of Autonomous Agents and Multi-agent Systems, Springer, 2022 [ Paper ]
"A Low-Complexity Control Mechanism Targeting Smart Thermostats", P. Danassis, K. Siozios, C. Korkas, D. Soudris, E. Kosmatopoulos, Energy and Buildings, Elsevier, 2017 [ Pdf | Doi ]
"ANT3D: Simultaneous Partitioning and Placement for 3-D FPGAs based on Ant Colony Optimization", P. Danassis, K. Siozios, D. Soudris, IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, IEEE, 2016 [ Pdf | Doi ]
"LIA: Privacy-Preserving Data Quality Evaluation in Federated Learning Using a Lazy Influence Approximation", Lj. Rokvic, P. Danassis, S. P. Karimireddy, B. Faltings, IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData), 2024 (TO APPEAR) [ Arxiv ] A preliminary version of this work received the Best Paper Award at the International Workshop on Trustworthy Federated Learning at IJCAI (FL-IJCAI) 2023
"Improving Health Information Access in the World's Largest Maternal Mobile Health Program via Bandit Algorithms", A. Lalan, S. Verma, P. R. Diaz, P. Danassis, A. Mahale, K. M. Sudan, A. Hegde, M. Tambe, A. Taneja, AAAI 2024: Proceedings of the 38th AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence: IAAI Technical Track on Emerging Applications of AI, 2024 [ Paper | Video | Poster ]
"Limited Resource Allocation in a Non-Markovian World: The Case of Maternal and Child Healthcare", P. Danassis, S. Verma, J. Killian, A. Taneja, M. Tambe, IJCAI 2023: Proceedings of the 32nd International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2023 [ Paper | Video | Arxiv ]
"AI-driven Prices for Externalities and Sustainability in Production Markets", P. Danassis, A. Filos-Ratsikas, H. Chen, M. Tambe, B. Faltings, AAMAS 2023: Proceedings of the 22nd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, 2023 [ Arxiv | Code | Poster ]
"A Distributed Differentially Private Algorithm for Resource Allocation in Unboundedly Large Settings", P. Danassis, A. Triastcyn, B. Faltings, AAMAS 2022: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, 2022 [ Paper | Video | Arxiv ]
"Improving Multi-agent Coordination by Learning to Estimate Contention", P. Danassis, F. Wiedemair, B. Faltings, IJCAI 2021: Proceedings of the 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2021 [ Paper | Arxiv | Poster ]
"Improved Cooperation by Exploiting a Common Signal", P. Danassis, Z. D. Erden, B. Faltings, AAMAS 2021: Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, 2021 [ Paper | Video | Arxiv | Code ]
"Efficient Allocations in Constant Time: Towards Scalable Solutions in the Era of Large Scale Intelligent Systems", P. Danassis, B. Faltings, ECAI 2020: Proceedings of the 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2-page Highlight Paper, 2020 [ Paper | Poster ]
"Anytime Heuristic for Weighted Matching Through Altruism-Inspired Behavior", P. Danassis, A. Filos-Ratsikas, B. Faltings, IJCAI 2019: Proceedings of the 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019 [ Paper | Arxiv | Poster | Poster #2 ]
"Courtesy as a Means to Coordinate", P. Danassis, B. Faltings, AAMAS 2019: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems, 2019 [ Paper | Arxiv | Poster ]
"Supporting Decision Making for Large-Scale IoTs: Trading Accuracy with Computational Complexity", K. Siozios, P. Danassis, N. Zompakis, C. Korkas, E. Kosmatopoulos and D. Soudris, Components and Services for IoT Platforms: Paving the Way for IoT Standards (invited book chapter), Springer, 2017 [ Pdf | Doi ]
"Scalable Multi-agent Coordination and Resource Sharing", P. Danassis, 2022 [ Pdf ]
"A Novel 3-D FPGA Placement Algorithm based on Ant Colony Optimization", P. Danassis, 2015 [ English | Greek ]